How is Louis Chase different by choice? Well allow me to recount a story that I have heard often.
At the age of 12, or possibly 13, Louis (or "Luis" as he insists people call him) was taken out to Pizza Hut for a family meal. When ordering, he demanded a large pizza[1] for himself, to which his mother (who by the way he calls 'Bob' as it is "quicker to say" than 'Mum'[2]) said that he could only have a medium pizza. Sickened by this state of affairs, Louis insisted that it was his right - indeed, his very human right - to have a large pizza.

Bob, not known for her love of human rights, declared that it was medium or nothing. Did the 12, possibly 13, year old Louis give in to this? No he did not! For him it was large or nothing! And since no large pizza was forthcoming, he sat there in Pizza Hut, hungry, enraged, but true to his principles whilst his family all enjoyed eating their delicious pizzas in front of him.
Did Louis Chase complain about this, or did he choose to ignore it, forge on, and become a bright hope for the future? Naturally he complained about it - bitterly (and still does to this day). For him, his motto of ‘Large or Nothing’[3] is as true today as ever. I have heard this story now for the past ten plus years, and when negotiating a new mobile phone deal I always heed Louis’ words of advice and refuse to settle for the useless incentives the phone companies offer. Like Louis, I demand more. As a consequence, I now have a Playstation 3 courtesy of T-Mobile.
It should be noted that Louis’ difference by choice does not stop at his talent of denying himself delicious foods; he is also known to switch on something that he loves in an instant. Louis is an Arsenal fan, but he hates Thierry Henry with a passion. Arsenal fans recently voted Henry as the club’s greatest ever player, but to Louis he's "rubbish, moody, and has no style". Consequently, he has boycotted Arsenal since Henry’s arrival. When I explained that Henry has now left the club and moved on to Barcelona, Louis still refused to end his boycott explaining that Arsenal will never again play the mesmerically beautiful football that was played under George Graham.
Also, despite being a fan of the 'Grand Theft Auto' series (indeed, they are the only video games made after 1995 that he bothers to play) he stubbornly refused to play 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' for three and a half years, purely because he disagreed with the use of analogue sticks instead of the traditional directional cross on the joypad. He has only recently given in after seeing the game on sale for £9.99 in HMV, and has conceded that he is now quite enjoying 'San Andreas'.

In addition to the above, Louis likes to see himself as something of a fashion pioneer. Not for him the general consensus of name brand trainers. No, he believes in start right no name cheap black shoes. He wears them so well that he was once asked if they were Prada. "Yes, of course they are!", he responded. However, it is not his footwear that makes him a king of fashion and different by choice, but rather his innovative foray into headwear design.
Louis, no doubt with too much time on his hands, considered the burning question: what do his heroes - hard rock legend Axl Rose, professional wrestling superstar Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and much loved 12th Century political and military leader Saladin - have in common? Yes, that’s right, they're all known for their fancy headgear of some kind or another. Axl and Hogan don the ubiquitous bandanna, whist back in the day, Saladin was almost always seen sporting a turban. Realising this, Louis invented what he termed a BAN-BAN, which he derived from BANdanna and turBAN. What is this BAN-BAN I hear you ask? To quote the man himself it's “Half bandanna – half turban – totally stylish!”. Essentially it is/was Louis walking around with a T-shirt on his head.

Yes, Louis Chase left the house with a T-shirt on his head and walked amongst the public, believing that he was setting a trend! When I met him wearing his new creation (a T-shirt on his head) I pointed out that his new fashion accessory should not be called a BAN-BAN but rather a TURDANNA as it combines both the unique design of a TURban and a BANDanna and it looked like TURD.
Louis kindly allowed me to use the above photos of him wearing this instant fashion classic, but please be aware, he probably has some patents and copyrights over the use of the turndanna. So, should you too want to walk around with a T-shirt on your head, be sure to mention that the inventor is Louis Chase, and he is different by choice baby! (also, make sure you call him "Luis" - he gets really angry about that)
[1] When referring to Pizza and Louis I use the term loosely at Louis is a man who despises cheese, despite everyone knowing that melted cheese is one of the most delicious things in the whole world. This of course presents the pizza loving Louis with some problems, since the main staple of pizza is cheese. As a result, he eats a disgusting Louis concoction which is just a pizza base with tomato sauce, sweet corn, beef and chicken! UGH! He might go crazy and garnish this with something else like BBQ or Mexican chicken, but in essence his choice of pizza is disgusting. Or different if you will.
[2] At the age of about 11 Louis decided that "Mum" not only took to long to say but also made him sound like ‘wuss’. Thus, he decided to call his mum Bob (as the "b" sound comes from the tip of the lips, whereas the "m" sound is made at the back of the lips, thereby making "Bob" a nano-second faster to say) and used it so much that it caught on and now everyone in his immediate family refers to his mum as Bob. I think we can all agree that this is genius.
[3] I once met a girl who also shared the "Large or Nothing" motto. She decided to not take things any further.
At the age of 12, or possibly 13, Louis (or "Luis" as he insists people call him) was taken out to Pizza Hut for a family meal. When ordering, he demanded a large pizza[1] for himself, to which his mother (who by the way he calls 'Bob' as it is "quicker to say" than 'Mum'[2]) said that he could only have a medium pizza. Sickened by this state of affairs, Louis insisted that it was his right - indeed, his very human right - to have a large pizza.
Bob, not known for her love of human rights, declared that it was medium or nothing. Did the 12, possibly 13, year old Louis give in to this? No he did not! For him it was large or nothing! And since no large pizza was forthcoming, he sat there in Pizza Hut, hungry, enraged, but true to his principles whilst his family all enjoyed eating their delicious pizzas in front of him.
Did Louis Chase complain about this, or did he choose to ignore it, forge on, and become a bright hope for the future? Naturally he complained about it - bitterly (and still does to this day). For him, his motto of ‘Large or Nothing’[3] is as true today as ever. I have heard this story now for the past ten plus years, and when negotiating a new mobile phone deal I always heed Louis’ words of advice and refuse to settle for the useless incentives the phone companies offer. Like Louis, I demand more. As a consequence, I now have a Playstation 3 courtesy of T-Mobile.
It should be noted that Louis’ difference by choice does not stop at his talent of denying himself delicious foods; he is also known to switch on something that he loves in an instant. Louis is an Arsenal fan, but he hates Thierry Henry with a passion. Arsenal fans recently voted Henry as the club’s greatest ever player, but to Louis he's "rubbish, moody, and has no style". Consequently, he has boycotted Arsenal since Henry’s arrival. When I explained that Henry has now left the club and moved on to Barcelona, Louis still refused to end his boycott explaining that Arsenal will never again play the mesmerically beautiful football that was played under George Graham.
Also, despite being a fan of the 'Grand Theft Auto' series (indeed, they are the only video games made after 1995 that he bothers to play) he stubbornly refused to play 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' for three and a half years, purely because he disagreed with the use of analogue sticks instead of the traditional directional cross on the joypad. He has only recently given in after seeing the game on sale for £9.99 in HMV, and has conceded that he is now quite enjoying 'San Andreas'.
In addition to the above, Louis likes to see himself as something of a fashion pioneer. Not for him the general consensus of name brand trainers. No, he believes in start right no name cheap black shoes. He wears them so well that he was once asked if they were Prada. "Yes, of course they are!", he responded. However, it is not his footwear that makes him a king of fashion and different by choice, but rather his innovative foray into headwear design.
Louis, no doubt with too much time on his hands, considered the burning question: what do his heroes - hard rock legend Axl Rose, professional wrestling superstar Hollywood Hulk Hogan, and much loved 12th Century political and military leader Saladin - have in common? Yes, that’s right, they're all known for their fancy headgear of some kind or another. Axl and Hogan don the ubiquitous bandanna, whist back in the day, Saladin was almost always seen sporting a turban. Realising this, Louis invented what he termed a BAN-BAN, which he derived from BANdanna and turBAN. What is this BAN-BAN I hear you ask? To quote the man himself it's “Half bandanna – half turban – totally stylish!”. Essentially it is/was Louis walking around with a T-shirt on his head.

Yes, Louis Chase left the house with a T-shirt on his head and walked amongst the public, believing that he was setting a trend! When I met him wearing his new creation (a T-shirt on his head) I pointed out that his new fashion accessory should not be called a BAN-BAN but rather a TURDANNA as it combines both the unique design of a TURban and a BANDanna and it looked like TURD.
Louis kindly allowed me to use the above photos of him wearing this instant fashion classic, but please be aware, he probably has some patents and copyrights over the use of the turndanna. So, should you too want to walk around with a T-shirt on your head, be sure to mention that the inventor is Louis Chase, and he is different by choice baby! (also, make sure you call him "Luis" - he gets really angry about that)
[1] When referring to Pizza and Louis I use the term loosely at Louis is a man who despises cheese, despite everyone knowing that melted cheese is one of the most delicious things in the whole world. This of course presents the pizza loving Louis with some problems, since the main staple of pizza is cheese. As a result, he eats a disgusting Louis concoction which is just a pizza base with tomato sauce, sweet corn, beef and chicken! UGH! He might go crazy and garnish this with something else like BBQ or Mexican chicken, but in essence his choice of pizza is disgusting. Or different if you will.
[2] At the age of about 11 Louis decided that "Mum" not only took to long to say but also made him sound like ‘wuss’. Thus, he decided to call his mum Bob (as the "b" sound comes from the tip of the lips, whereas the "m" sound is made at the back of the lips, thereby making "Bob" a nano-second faster to say) and used it so much that it caught on and now everyone in his immediate family refers to his mum as Bob. I think we can all agree that this is genius.
[3] I once met a girl who also shared the "Large or Nothing" motto. She decided to not take things any further.
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