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Monday, 16 March 2009

Saturday Morning Watchmen

I got round to seeing Watchmen this weekend and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It ticks all three boxes that I look for in a movie: 1) takes place in an alternative dystopian1980's, 2) set in New York city and 3) contains comic book superheroes.
For those not in the know the Watchmen is based on the seminal graphic novel of the same name, and was previously thought of as "unfilmable". Unlike other comic book films, Watchmen is ultra-violent, has a character who suffers from erectile dysfunction and another who is an attempted rapist. Oh yeah and then there is Doctor Manhattan a god-like superhero who enjoys walking around naked and traveling to Mars when he is upset. At three hours for those who are not fully signed-up geeks Watchmen maybe a little overbearing for you, but if you like your superheroes to be insane sociopaths you'll love it. So to put it mildly...it is different.
Knowing what Watchmen is about and what it entails, someone sent me this video of "Saturday morning Wachmen" - one YouTube users take on what Watchman might have been like if it had been made into a cartoon. It's great. Check it out in the gallery on the right.
Finally, as teenagers we've all suffered from an spot or two, hell some of us even had acne, but we should all thank God we’re not Sam Cummings from Berkshire. He woke up to find that he had an unfortunate cluster of spots on his forehead that spelt 'arse'. It’s stories like this that make you realize that there is always someone worse off then you. And they’re probably walking around with 'arse' written on the foreheads. In spots.

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